Microsoft Excel training Courses in Harare
Because we use Excel everyday in the course of our work we have acquired significant competencies in using the package including shortcuts, tips and tricks which save us loads of time.
It would be very selfish to keep these skills to ourselves and we have therefore offering training in Microsoft Excel to individuals and corporates who want to increase their productivity.
We have two options of our training courses:
*Online training
*Face to face training
You may also choose one of :
*One on one training
*Public group training where you join one of our monthly classes
*Private group training where we arrange a class for your staff only
We bring you from ZERO to HERO with our Excel Training!
Because our training is delivered by professionals who have been using Excel daily for more than 20 years each, you get to learn beyond the textbook.
*You get to learn from the lessons they have learnt in the course of working with Excel, both positive and negative.
*You get to learn from the lessons and knowledge that has been passed on to them by their mentors and peers over the years.
*You get to learn from the knowledge they have acquired through formal classes which they attended over the years.
Our courses:
Beginners Microsoft Excel Training Course
Intermediate Microsoft Excel training Course
Advanced Microsoft Excel training Course
After completing the advanced level in Excel, you will be ready to conquer the world of data analytics and easily master upstream applications which are used together with Excel. We are there to support you till you reach the summit of the data analyst profession.
Check out our upcoming group training courses
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