Who We Are

Established in 2013, Research Matters is a leading market intelligence company with a broad focus. We study markets to help you analyze competitive activities, see beyond market disruptions, and develop intelligent business strategies.

Positioned at the forefront of market intelligence, Research Matters endeavors to be the premier provider of market intelligence solutions for leading players across industries. Our unmatched market intelligence solutions, consulting, and in-depth market assessments have the ability to solve the toughest challenges faced by industry players. With expertise across industries and business functions, we deliver transformational solutions to fulfill the needs of a more demanding, smarter world.

Based in Harare we provide market research and consumer insights to companies across Zimbabwe and beyond. With over 90% of our clients coming back for more Research Matters, we add real value to business decisions by being a close and trusted advisor. Thriving on our clients’ business challenges, we are proud of the relationships we have built with some of the market’s best-known brands. What makes Research Matters different is our focus on the ‘why,’ uncovering the business implications behind the data. This provides our clients with the necessary information and action points to drive brand growth. Our dedicated team view their role as being the client’s trusted partner. It is this approach that has enabled Research Matter to build strong, endurable relationships with clients over the years. By providing continuously improving toolkit of proprietary techniques, we maintain a focus on innovation. We aim to think differently, approaching each new project with fresh eyes, providing solutions to complex business issues.

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